.:Sunday, November 17, 2002:.

The official Star Wars site recently reported that they are coming out with a new "program" at LucasBooks that will entail the publishing of books/comics that will explore the events that transpired between Episodes II and III, or the Clone Wars. Intriguing.... It would indeed be very interesting to find out what is happening to the characters and the galaxy during that period. The only thing I am worried about is that George Lucas's take on things is different. That would mean that after reading through dozens of novels, come 2005 and Episode III, readers will find that The Man himself threw all the facts laid down in the books out the window. That's pretty much what happened when Episode II came out. Some facts from the Expanded Universe became obsolete, irrelevant, and contrary to Canon (the movies). It makes me think that even if Lucas's company sanctions the publication of the Expanded Universe novels/comics, The Man himself may still be treating them as what kitsune_hisui likes to call "glorified fanfiction".


While defending my interests (specifically SW and HP), I realized that some people are so very hard to please, they cannot appreciate the movies I mentioned for what they are. People will still tend to nitpick and compare to the point that they cannot be satisfied by anything anymore. How high is their level of expectation anyway? It probably goes through the roof. I admit to being guilty of doing that before, but I am slowly changing my outlook on things.... After all, I don't have the capability to make a better movie, so I might as well stop complaining, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. :p Too much ranting can be bad for one's health. :p I'm not saying people shouldn't complain, you could rant, but you shouldn't expend too much energy doing it and you shouldn't lose sleep over it. Most of all, one shouldn't strong-arm others into agreeing with their opinions, it is usually a pointless and stressful exercise. Besides, if one believes that he is entitled to rant, then others are entitled to rave. Say your piece, make your point, state your opinions, then leave others be. :)


I loved yesterday's Image Attack at the SW Official Site. If Jedi are always that cute, my journey to the Dark Side would be completed faster than you can say "Emperor Palpatine is eeeeeveeeeeellll." Heheheh. ;)


I'm rereading "The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter" by David Colbert, and discovering many interesting things... I'll write about them here soon....


I am also at the last chapter of "The Magician's Nephew", book one of The Chronicles of Narnia.

.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 12:14:00 AM:.
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