.:Sunday, March 30, 2003:.

I was able to take some time out yesterday to put all the "All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Harry Potter" essays in one place. They have all been uploaded right here!. Wheeee!!!


Caught "Dreamcatcher" with Peter Pan last Saturday. It's an intriguing movie. I was... surprised by the fact that it was actually about aliens. And the whole time, I was thinking.... this is an X-Files movie! Duh. Heehee. But the characters were presented in a very... unique manner. I must say, it's very Stephen King. Well, duh. :D But I liked the movie, it was very entertaining. I've read some reviews, and I know some people don't care for it, but I still say it was good enough. Rating: 4/5 stars. I'm so generous today. Teehee. :)


Excerpts from GiNnY's Diary

Okay, I am now officially very... bothered. I know things have been weird but they have been getting weirder. This is not good for my sanity. I will stop thinking about it now. I'm letting go. I know that if I let go, I will fall. But hey, I've already fallen. What have I got to lose? I remember Oneal once said that if you let go you won't really fall, because that's what happy thoughts are there for. You will just... float... fly. But what if you fell for your happy thought? Sheep, this is getting all too confuddling and befusing. Yes, even more so than before....

.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 8:58:00 PM:.
.: | :.
