The Force really has a mind of its own. It guides, directs, a voice echoing in my mind. But sometimes it leaves me hopelessly lost. Most times, when I find that I cannot find the way, I listen to it, hoping to hear its voice. But those are the times that it decides to keep silent. The times when I find myself alone. Times when others cannot understand. And when the Force keeps silent, what is left? Me. Just me. Me and my undisciplined and unguided thoughts. And the world. Passing me by. It seems that invisibility cloak of mine works too well.
Have to totally get rid of the paranoia and get back on track. But I don't know how. Maybe the Force would know. And hopefully it will bring a map with it.
I need to feel better. Need my happy thought. Need to cast out all the shadows and see the light. Need to fly. Oh, help....
We went to fly kites this afternoon. It was
funnnnnn. It's very fulfilling when the kite just soars... and stays there, floating and riding the wind. Now if only Spark were as cooperative as Johann....
.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 11:43:00 PM:.
.: | :.