.:Monday, January 19, 2004:.

No greater Force in the galaxy

"A Long Expected Party" is finally over. What next? New Worlds 3. The prospect truly scares me now. After I saw everything that the host group has to go through, I tend to ask myself: is it worth it?

Hell, yes, it's worth it. This is after all, New Worlds 3 for Episode 3. Bring it on.


Although I have yet to put my experience during the Con into words, here are some of my favorite pics....


Do you really have to ask why this is my favorite pic??? Come on, that's Harry and Ginny! :D Thanks, HM Cherie!

me and pinoy harry potter, ryan agoncillo. photo by HMCherie. january 17.

Meet our new friend, Roger. He's a Battle Droid. :)

me and roger! photo from my cam, Harry. january 18.

And this is the Star Wars Philippines booth, with the lovely lovely huge tarp backdrop designed by Anakin Malfoy. Pretty cool, eh? :)

swp booth. photo from my cam, Harry. january 17.


I really don't know what I expected, but once again, the voice of the Force has prevailed. I was right. There were so many weird revelations, I'm not even sure if I'm still in the universe where I'm supposed to be, or if I got a hold of some teleportation device or something. I'd better get back to reality... though I know not the way....

.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 4:22:00 PM:.
.: | :.
