.:Wednesday, April 09, 2003:.

R2D2: Astromech Droid, Neighborhood Dog Terrorist

I have been given the privilege of droid-sitting Artoo for a while longer (yippee!!!), but it seems the little droid has become... the neighborhood dog terrorist. When my neighbor's dog, Stanley, went to visit my dog Yoda last night, the poor thing went running and hiding under the car just as Artoo played the Cantina song. And he wouldn't come out. When we were finally able to coax him out, he was visibly shaking, and wouldn't go near Artoo. And the other dog, Leika, seems to have fallen victim to him as well. Dog repellent, chick magnet. Wow.


Yoda: Stop bugging me. Go away!

.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 8:48:00 PM:.
.: | :.
