.:Thursday, January 29, 2004:.

Do you not know?

That seems to be the line of the moment.

Aragorn: Éowyn, why have you come?
Éowyn: Do you not know?

I've finally determined which direction I really AM supposed to look. I think that sometime ago, I have tried looking there, but again, the entanglement seemed like a huge boulder blocking my line of sight. The boulder is still there, but I seem to have been given a blaster to use in blowing the boulder to bits. The question is, how strong is the blaster, and how much resistance will the boulder attempt to put up? Again, I'm banking on a fool's hope. I just hope that the Force will be much kinder to me this time.


Even if it's more than a year away, "New Worlds: Episode 3" is starting to weigh heavily on my mind. The trick is trying to put up exactly what we plan to put up. From experience, it has never been easy to entirely have your way in these things. I have more than a year to learn patience, moderation, and diplomacy. Difficult lessons. Yikes.

.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 2:47:00 AM:.
.: | :.
