.:Wednesday, March 24, 2004:.

The One With Even More Random Thoughts

So how many times do I have to swing to and fro between elation and insecurity? The stupid pendulum must stop. Throw all the disturbing thoughts out the window. What does your heart tell you?


What are you going to do about it?


"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by little men who find it easier to live in the world they are given than to explore the power they have to change it."


Been re-reading "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". Now in the chapter on OWLs.

"Achievements in Charming". Cool title for a book. Wonder if it is a cool book. Wonder if it already chronicles the achievements of....


Heard on the radio...

DJ: "What would you say to a newborn child?"
Caller: "So you like milk now, huh? Wait 'til you try vodka."


See? Told you the universe is conspiring to throw them my way. Reminders of you. :)


Poll ongoing in Entertainment Weekly on who the next James Bond should be. Orlando Bloom leading the race. The Valar still haven't heard my prayers. Not him! *shudder*


Mome Raths. Hrmmm... Nice little creatures in Tulgey Wood, who seem to have a good sense of direction. Like living compasses. But they point you to where you want to go.

A compass will only always point north. It won't really tell you where you want to go. What if you don't know the location of your destination in relation to the north? Then lost you will be soon enough.

My compass only points towards one direction. Fortunately for me, I think that's exactly the direction I want to go. Now all I have to do is make sure I get there.

.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 5:21:00 PM:.
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