.:Monday, March 01, 2004:.

What the fudge....

... is wrong with this picture? Another nationwide transport strike coming up next week??? Gaaaaah! This can't be happening to me!!!


I knew it. I keep seeing the signs, and the signs all point to the fact that my annual chocolate odyssey started earlier than usual. It's that time of the year when, for several months, I start hunting down different kinds of chocolate. It usually happens around summer time, but DADAProf's post at the Castle weeks ago must have triggered it earlier than expected. Don't ask me why it happens. It just does. Last year it lasted for about three months. Who knows what will happen now...

At least the Lindt phase is finished. That usually is one of the most difficult phases for me.

As I continued reading my book minutes ago (Chapter 46!!!), some obscure French word triggered Phase 2. Ferrero. Gah! Must run to the grocery later. Hopefully Daddy will cooperate. :D


Mos Eisley Night 3: The Imperial Prom

Pics from Oneal's Imagestation album.

Pics from Gabe's Website.


I was looking through my blog archives a while ago when I stumbled upon this quote from "The Alchemist" by Paolo Coelho: "When you want something, the Universe conspires to make your dream come true." Is it true? Who knows? But dreaming and wishing never hurt anyone, right? So with hopes that the Universe will indeed get into this conspiracy, I declare:

I wish for you.

.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 11:57:00 PM:.
.: | :.
