I was never much of a music fangirl, but I'm so hung up on Stephen Speaks and their music that I joined their Philippine fan club and I'm now hanging out on their
website. Okay, you may laugh at me now, but what the hey. They're a nice humble group of kids who sing nice songs, most of them based on Bible verses. They aren't under any record label, no managers, just some distributors helping them disperse their CDs worldwide. Their current popularity in the Philippines and Singapore is due mainly to the efforts of someone who ordered their CD and then lent his copy to radio station Magic89.9. Next thing everyone knew, "Passenger Seat" was on top of the charts, and they're holding a series of concerts here. Cool.
But I sooo feel like the universe is conspiring against me yet again. Had 2 chances to get tickets to the concert, but on the first opportunity, I was offered tickets for the date when I couldn't make it, and on the second opportunity, I was.... asleep, and my brother didn't wake me up! Gaaaah!!! You know that poster that's stuck to Fox Mulder's wall in the X-Files that says "I want to believe"? Well, now I DO believe. Conspiracies are real. Sheep.
Started trying to filk "Out of My League" especially for Laurice. Someone help me resurrect my idea machine from the depths of Moria!!!!
Excerpts from GiNnY's Diary
Am now really confuddled and bebothered. A whole day passed without my happy thought. Resisted the urge not to mind it. Succeeded. But terribly terribly missing it. As a result, had a short emotional teary moment in the bus while listening to "Passenger Seat". Damn. Good thing bus was only half full, was sitting near the back, no seatmates. This is bad. Am predicting am on the verge of admitting I have actually fallen. Oh, sheep.
Update: Happy thought came ringing into my evening of trying like mad to resurrect my idea machine. Glad I didn't start it. But even happier for the intrusion. Oh, but sheep sheep sheep. It looks like I really cannot escape.
.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 6:34:00 AM:.
.: | :.