.:Tuesday, September 28, 2004:.

Celebration III registration has started and I still haven't registered. Gah! Must start working on my travel documents. If anyone else out there is interested, you can register here!


I don't want to give a review of the Star Wars OT DVD yet because I haven't had the chance to watch everything, but here are some random reactions from last Saturday's thon.

1. The video quality is amazing.
2. I thought I'll hate George after watching the DVDs, but no, I don't hate him. Heheheh.
3. "Empire of Dreams", "The Birth of a Lightsaber", and "The Return of Darth Vader" are must-sees. The footage showing the Final Duel? Priceless. The costume people putting the Darth Vader mask and helmet on Hayden? Chilling.

Looking good, Jabba!

Ooh! Aurebesh! "Power", "Tractor Beam 12".

New convo between Vader and the Emperor, plus a new look for old Palpy. Nice!

And of course, who can forget...

Yes, this is a genuine screenshot. Hayden is there. Deal with it. :p

Well, George *did* have a good explanation for the change. Anakin Skywalker died when Darth Vader was born, so his Jedi ghost form must take Anakin's form when he died... and that's the young Anakin played by Hayden Christensen. I think it makes sense. But then again, I'm not a purist. =)

There's no use whining about it, really. The DVDs rock, whether one hates George Lucas or not. Haha! And there's no use whining about Hayden being inserted into RotJ or about Hayden starring in the prequels for that matter. Don't hate him for looking good and starring in a Star Wars movie. (I am now probably going to start collecting enemies for what I just said...)

Anyhoo, more screenshots and comparison shots from the OT DVDs at The Digital Bits.


Still targeting this dress for New Worlds 3:


.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 6:41:00 PM:.
.: | :.
