.:Friday, September 24, 2004:.

Things jedi_ginny Might Do Because of her Star Wars Addiction (Revised from: You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...)

Watch all 5 episodes at least once a quarter year.

Any time you pick up a walkie-talkie or two-way radio, the first thing you say is "TK-421, why aren't you at your post?"

Whenever you went anywhere outside with your friends, you always walked single file, to hide your numbers.

You've written several letters to the President recommending that he dissolve the council, put power in the hands of the regional governors, and let fear keep the local systems in line.

In college, after several hours of poker, you got thrown our of the game for suggesting, "How about some sabacc?"

When trying unsuccessfully to snare that last Cheerio floating in your cereal bowl, you remarked, "the Force is strong with this one."

Dress up as Lucilla from "Gladiator" during a Star Wars Imperial Prom. (oh wait, errrmmm... that's just a little deviation, ya know!)

You've been pulled over by a policeman, and when asked to see your driver's license you replied, "You don't need to see my identification."

And when he asks about your two friends in the back "They're for sale, if you want them."

You have physically threatened anyone who referred to "Hans Solo" or "Dark Vader", confused Star Wars with Star Trek, or spellied Wookiee with only one "e."

You've referred to Wedge Antilles or Boba Fett as "The Man." (jedi_ginny: not quite. I only refer to Yoda as "Yodaman!")

You insist on spelling Pizza Hut "Pizza Hutt."

You dropped your religion and now live the way Yoda taught you.

You frequently experience insomnia and, to counter this, begin counting nerfs.

You answer the phone "Die wanna wanga?"

Whenever you buy a new appliance, you make sure to get one that speaks Bacchi. (jedi_ginny: If it doesn't, it must at least speak Quenya... oh wait. That's not included in C3PO's million forms of communication....)

When someone apologizes to you, you choke him and tell him that you accept his apology.

You've 'wielded' a flashlight and made humming sounds.

You wave your hand purposefully and 'use the force' to open and close automatic doors or elevator doors.

You have a Yoda figurine on your office table.

Your significant other dumps you because everytime she/he says, "I love you" you always respond, "I know." (jedi_ginny: since my significant other is also a Star Wars geek, I rather think he'll find me saying that... sweet. :p )

You quote Yoda to defend your political beliefs.

You have so many SW Trilogy GIF's, JPG's, MIDI's, AVI's, WAV's, MPG's, icons and text files that you're rapidly running out of disk space and have to back them up in CDs

You have so many SW toys that you can't see your SW posters anyway. (jedi_ginny: I wish!)

With a blue-tinted plastic tube, a flashlight, two hours of a Saturday night, and 4 rolls of blue electrical tape, you finally complete your own working "Light-saber"

You refer to money as credits without trying to.

You respond to any mention of the legality of something with "I will make it legal."

You are POSITIVE you are force-sensitive and only lack the proper training. (jedi_ginny: of course I am!)

Someone says they will try to do something you automatically respond "Do or do not. There is no try." (jedi_ginny: all the time!)

You argue about whether Star Wars is space fantasy or space opera.

You have a long braid in you hair like Obi-Wan in E1. (jedi_ginny: I had that once....)

You call your boss/teacher "Master". (jedi_ginny: not really. I call my Boss "The Emperor", and I work in the Death Star.)

When asked if you want to be buried or creamated you say "I'll just vanish like the rest of the Jedi"

You call your girlfriend, "your Highness." (jedi_ginny: well, no, but my listmates at SWP call me "Your Worship". LOL.)

You believe John Williams is the best composer ever (which, of course, he is!), and George Lucas is a god (jedi_ginny: wrong, buster! :p )

While listening to the soundtrack without knowing the name of the song you are listening to, you know exactly what's happening while it's playing.

Yoda's little sayings have had a profound impact on your life, and you abide by them religiously.

You've created lyrics to the songs in Star Wars. (jedi_ginny: no, but I've written lots of Star Wars filks)

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Star Wars.

The original version of this addicted meme is here

More cool things for your blog at

.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 4:35:00 PM:.
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