.:Tuesday, November 16, 2004:.

More "Sith" Spoilers? I'm starting to be wary of spoilers now, because with this amount of spoilers, I'm afraid that by the time I see the movie, I'll actually know everything! Gak! Wary, yes, but I was never one to be able to resist. Heheh. So... here's a pic of Yoda in the Jedi Temple in the aftermath of the siege. Could this be before his fateful encounter with a certain politician-turned-dark overlord?


Good thing I'm not a Star Wars action figure addict. The Episode III wave is about to start rolling off the production line. I have to say, the packaging is unique, but like last time, I'll probably only go in search of the Anakin ones, if I go in search of any of them at all.

Oh wait. I want the Padmé ones now too. And Yoda and Artoo.

Okay, note to self: stay away from Toy Kingdom.



More notes to self: Stop staring at Louis Vuitton ads =p . Start that Christmas list (so who's been good and who's been bad?). Do that thing you were supposed to do almost seven months ago.


Funny news for the day courtesy of The Leaky Cauldron:

In an interview by Entertainment Weekly, author Stephen King said: "I'm thankful that 'Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell', by Susanna Clarke, was almost as good as its lyrical first reviews...but it's not Harry Potter for grown-ups, as so many of them said. Harry Potter is Harry Potter for grown-ups, you dweebs."

LOL. Imagine him saying that! =))


Dear Deplorable Non-Winner,

You are one problematic kreacher. Tsk tsk. Go kiss a wookiee and rethink your life... you dweeb!

.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 4:32:00 PM:.
.: | :.
