Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Happy Anniversary,
Via Astris! It was great hanging out with you guys. May you all live long and prosper... with the blessing of the Force, of course. :D Everyone's really fun. Maybe I should think about joining. Hrmmm... If I join, will they make me Chief Engineer? Heheheheheh. :)
MOS EISLEY NIGHT draws near! August 31, Sunday, 5pm, at Milennia Cafe at Kamuning Road, Quezon City. A night of scum, villainy, and Star Wars! With performances by Itchyworms, Narda, The Purplechickens, The Late Isabel, Fish Trio, Death Star Cookies, Do'Ahou...and the
Excitement about Star Wars Episode 3 is definitely building up. With the production crew and the cast now shooting in full force in Sydney, fans are now able to get little hints as to what to expect in the last Star Wars installment. Thanks to
Hyperspace reports and the Grand Moff's and
Master Aids' efforts at collecting information (no Bothans involved), we now know that: (*SPOILERS FOLLOW. HIGHLIGHT AND READ AT YOUR OWN RISK*)
- - Anakin Skywalker will be wielding a RED lightsaber!
- - There will be an epic space battle at the beginning of Episode 3
- - The Episode 3 villain will wield TWO lightsabers and he's gonna be bad. Really BAD. The Sith "rule of two" still applies.
- - A character from the Clone Wars Animated Shorts will appear in Episode 3.
- - Three words that Darth Vader speaks in Episode 3 are: "I don't fear...."
- - Chewbacca will be in the film
- - Episode 3 will explain all of Anakin's injuries except the facial scar
- - There will be a scene when Anakin is given the name of Darth Vader and an explanation as to why he was given the name and what it means.
- - It won't be the special effects that make the Obi-Wan/Anakin duel so thrilling, it will be the betrayal.
- - We will definitely see Palpatine/Sidious use an "awesome display of the dark side of the force".
- - Jar Jar does not die in the film
- - We will see Padme pregnant in the film, we will know which of the twins, Luke and Leia is older, and they will be less than a month old at the end of the film.
- - Yoda fights again.
- - Episode 3 will be a "two hour turn to the dark side"
Too excited for words!!! Maybe it's time to put up the Episode 3 countdown clock. :D
.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 8:27:00 PM:.
.: | :.