Spongebob Squarepants was kidnapped for ransom. Or at least, a 10-foot tall model of him at a Utah branch of Burger King. The perpetrators left a ransom note that read:
"I have Spongebob. I want 10 krabby patties, fries, and a milk shake." The ransom note was signed by Plankton. Oh, and there was a postscript.
"Patrick is next." Burger King employees are now busy handing out "missing person" flyers to passersby and customers. Man, the things people do for fun nowadays.... =p
"National Treasure" last night with my Beloved. =) Although Nicolas Cage is still his same expressionless self, I really enjoyed the movie. It was similar to "The Da Vinci Code" in many ways, as people have observed, but I couldn't exactly see Robert Langdon in Ben Gates, so it's all fine with me. Abigail is no Sophie either, and the villain was obvious from the start. Besides, DVC wasn't as funny. Heheheh. Riley rocks. =D
Someone actually had the courage to say that JKRowling is a lousy writer. Australian author Colleen McCollough said in an interview:
"I have an editor in my head, that's why I can't read Harry Potter, because she (J.K. Rowling) is such a lousy writer." Wow.
I have to admit I didn't like the way she wrote OotP (too many adverbs), but from a certain point of view, she is a great author. People wouldn't really be loving her books if she were totally lousy, right? I know I wouldn't. I'd probably ditch her, even with all the hype.
Or maybe I've really been brainwashed.
Nah. =p
The latest Star Wars Homing Beacon has an article about Padmé Amidala and her costumes in Episode III. Trisha Biggar says she has 12 for this movie. We've seen 9 so far. 3 more to reveal. :) Excerpts from the Homing Beacon can be found
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