First off,
Happy Birthday
Kuya Beej!!!!
Happy Birthday Grumpy Bear!
and Happy Birthday Rubeus Hagrid! =D
They all celebrated their birthday yesterday. =)
Star Wars: Clone Wars (Animated Series) DVD is shipping out March 23rd! Yippeee! Hopefully, I'll have a player by then. Gah.
My Beloved is out of town again, for about three days. *sigh* =(
Got a crash course on Anime in last Saturday's Anime Fair at UPD.
Okay, so it's not really a crash course. I still don't know more than half of the characters being portrayed by the cosplayers.
At least I know the Shaider theme song. HAHAHA! =p
The cosplay contest results were predictable. Skin gets the judges' vote all the time. Tsk tsk tsk. Note to self: put more ladies in the panel of judges for future cosplay contests. Hrmph.
There were 2 very funny highlights last Saturday though. Someone asked my Beloved to draw an armored pig. Apparently, this guy asked most of the artists who participated in the fair, to draw their versions of an armored pig. My Beloved almost drew a Gamorrean Guard.... but drew a "StormPig" instead. Funny... that drawing looked a lot like a Stormball....
And I should have had a camera so I could've taken a picture of the Ninja-for-Hire guy. He was hilarious. =))
Edited to Add: I'm in the office... and I can hear someone playing the Bioman theme song!!!!!
.:chronicled by senator skywalker at 6:07:00 PM:.
.: | :.